Here are a few extracts from testimonials I've received:"Since you started tutoring F... on Saturday afternoons, he has not only quickly progressed with verbal and non-verbal reasoning but also his maths and essay writing, a lot of which was not being covered at his current primary school. The tutoring has not only prepared F... for the entrance exams for both Heriot's and Stewart Melville, but also inspired him to challenge himself further and help build his confidence. Thankfully, F... was accepted for both Stewart Melville and Heriot's (over 120 sat the entrance exams for Heriot's with only a 1:4 chance of being successful) and is looking forward to his new High School."
"We are delighted with H...'s performance in the recent entrance exams and the offer of a S3 place from Stewart's Melville, George Watson's and George Heriot's. There is no doubt that this is down to the support you provided over the past 6 months and the impact it had in helping H... develop his core skills and improve his self-confidence."
"Just a short note to say thank you so much for helping S... achieve a 1 in Maths Standard Grade! He could not have done it without your superb help and encouragement. He is rightly very pleased with his progress in what was by all accounts a very difficult exam. We cannot thank you enough.
"O... emailed you this morning I think to let you know of her wonderful result; [we] just wanted to add our most sincere thanks to you for all the wonderful work you did explaining and helping her to understand her Maths! You have worked an amazing turnaround for her from a fail in her prelim to an A. I really don't know what we would have done without you. O... of course worked hard but you inspired confidence in her to keep trying."
"Hi Trevor, it's E... and C.... Thank you so much for taking the time to help us improve our knowledge in chemistry! We got our results today and we both passed I got an A! And C... got a B which we're both very pleased about and couldn't have done without you."
"Thank you so much for all your help and support, I managed to gain an A band 1 [Higher Maths]. This is due to all the hard work you put in tutoring me."