Terms Of Use

Your use of this website is subject to these terms and conditions:

All information on this site is provided for “best efforts” basis and no guarantee is made of the accuracy or completeness of any information so provided. I’ve done my best to make it accurate but I’m only human and – like you – I make mistakes. If what I say here disagrees with what your teacher says then I’m probably wrong.

This website contains advertisements and product links. If you click on an advertisement or product link then you will be taken to the appropriate vendor’s website. Should you decide to make a purchase then you will be entering in to a contract with the vendor, not with this site or its owner. This site will not have any involvement with any transaction and at no point will there be any contractual relationship between you and me. All enquiries must be directed to the vendor concerned.

Original content on this site is copyright © Trevor Mendham 2016-2022. You’re welcome to print it out for your own use, but you may not redistribute or share it.

Teachers: you are welcome to use content from this site for educational purposes so long as no charge is made for it and access is restricted to your students/school.

Any dispute concerning this website will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in Scotland and Scottish law.

These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.